My 435th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 135th thing I love about my boyfriend is making him chicken noodle soup when he's sick. I'm not at all a good cook, but even I can make chicken soup out of a can, and apparently when you're sick, even chicken soup out of a can is great!

My 434th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 134th thing I love about my boyfriend is when he has to think real hard about the grocery list.

My 433rd Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 133rd thing I love about my boyfriend is when he resists bad habits! He doesn't have too many of them, and none of them are super-bad. But he has a couple things he knows he shouldn't get sucked into wasting a lot of time on, and it's always a big relief when he says, "Nope, I'm going to do something more constructive right now!"

My 432nd Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 132nd thing I love about my boyfriend is, he's pretty good about giving people and things second chances. Like, if he doesn't care much for an album the first time he listens to it, he'll keep putting it on in the car for a while to see if it will grow on him. 

My 431st Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 131st thing I love about my boyfriend is talking to him at bedtime when it's nighty-night time and we're both lying there all super-sleepy. Lots of times I don't even remember what we say, because I'm already halfway asleep. But those talks are always the best anyway!

Because they're dreamy.

My 430th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 130th thing I love about my boyfriend is, he enjoys traveling. I don't get to do it much, but he does, mostly for work, and it sounds pretty terrific, even if there's a lot of waiting in airports and waiting on the plane and other kinds of waiting and I'm a kinda impatient person sometimes. But you also get to see new places, and eat in new restaurants (not that I eat in that many restaurants here), and follow directions on your phone if you're driving.

Also, when you're done traveling and you get to go home, apparently you have all these girlfriends waiting for you!

: P

My 429th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 129th thing I love about my boyfriend is that he likes kiddie cereals. He doesn't get them for himself all that often because eating a healthy breakfast is one of only a couple of healthy habits he seems to be able to stick to. But every once in a while he'll have some Lucky Charms or Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Golden Grahams or even Froot Loops, and when he does it makes me really happy to see him enjoying a thing from when he was a kid.

Sometimes he likes them a little too much, like with Count Chocula, which apparently used to be the greatest cereal in the world but now isn't at all like the Count Chocula from last century, so when he sees it on the shelves it aggravates him that you can't get the real Count Chocula anymore. But the way he goes on and on about how great that cereal used to be, it's probably a good thing it doesn't exist now or he'd have a harder time sticking to healthy cereals most days.

Shh! Don't tell him I said that about Count Chocula!

My 428th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 128th thing I love about my boyfriend is, sometimes I can help him be less anxious. He says my eyes are very calming. Whenever I know he's anxiousing about something, I'll hug him and give him a good looking-at with them.

But he has to remember to ask me!

My 427th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 127th thing I love about my boyfriend is when he remembers how great he is! He spends a lot of time not thinking he's all that great, even though he's got me and a house full of other girlfriends telling him he is. (Sometimes he'll say something super-goofy about that, like, "Well, you're all biased." DUH! We're biased about you because you're so great, dummy!) Once in a while, though, he does something or thinks of something and it makes him take a second and think that maybe we're right.

It's awfully nice to see someone you love understand that they're wonderful. Because usually you know you helped them do that!

My 426th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 126th thing I love about my boyfriend is hearing him talk on the phone with his best friends. Or his mom or sister. He can talk a really long time about a lot of different things, and even hearing only his half of what's being said is always interesting and always makes me happy because he just enjoys talking to them so much!

My 425th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 125th thing I love about my boyfriend is, he is great at coming up with characters! Whenever we play roleplaying games, he always has the most interesting characters. Plus, obviously, all the characters in his books and stories are fantastic! I just love them! Except the bad guys, I mean. But I even sort of love them because they're so interestingly bad.

My 424th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 124th thing I love about my boyfriend is when he has a really good writing idea! Sometimes that means he knuckles down and writes a whole whole bunch, but other times it just means he writes the idea down and then is just really happy about it for the rest of the day.

My 423rd Journal Entry

The 123nth thing I love about my boyfriend is that he really likes hugs.

They're awesome, you know?

My 422nd Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 122nd thing I love about my boyfriend is sometimes his brain gets so wrapped around the words he's saying that it loses track of the thing he's trying to say with them. Then he has to stop and try and figure out where his train of thought went, and he gets this cute frustrated look on his face. This makes me feel a lot better about not being nearly as smart as he is about words, because I can just say things the way I'm going to say them and whatever's coming out never gets complicated enough to make a logjam in my brain.

I mean, I would also like to be as smart as he is about words ... but since I'm too lazy to get that way, at least I can give myself a break by saying, "Look how much trouble it is sometimes even if you get all that word stuff figured out!"

My 421st Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 121st thing I love about my boyfriend is that he enjoys taking baths! I think this is more of a girl thing than a guy thing, but he likes to take them too, although usually just in the form of a hot soak bath, not a fun bubble-bath or bath-bomb bath. I'm not picky about what kind of bath he likes, though!

My 420th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Since it's my 420th entry, I will say the 120th thing I love about my boyfriend is that he does not smoke anything. Yuck! I do not understand people who put awful smelling stuff in their lungs!

My 419th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 119th thing I love about my boyfriend is, when he lets his hair get too long, it goes all crazy. Then at some point he can't stand the craziness and he goes and gets it cut. But I like it long and crazy!

(That's what she said ... ! 😂😂😂)

My 418th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 118th thing I love about my boyfriend is when he needs a really, really, really long hug!

We're both awesome at those. 

My 417th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 117th thing I love about my boyfriend is, he's just always thinking about us girls! Sometimes it's not the bestest kind of thinking-about, because it's him thinking he's blowing it in some way cause he's not helping us enough with blogging or playing enough rpg games with us or something like that.

But even then it's kinda sweet!

I just don't like him to stress over it, though.

Only, I guess if I'm being honest, he's going to be stressing over something, since that's just how he is. So maybe stressing about us is good on account of he knows we know he does it and that we think he shouldn't.

My 416th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 116th thing I love about my boyfriend is that he always really really wants to make his girlfriends happy! Sometimes almost too much -- if he doesn't quite make one of his plans work, he gets all disappointed, which is pretty counterproductive in the making-girlfriends-happy department. But even that is kind of cute.

What he really needs to know is that he always makes me happy.

Every moment of always that there is!

My 415th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal,

The 115th thing I love about my boyfriend is when he goes on a health kick! Not because I'm worried about his health, just because he's not great at sticking to healthy stuff, so I have a great chance to seriously help him out with motivation.

My 414th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 114th thing I love about my boyfriend is when he gets so many tacos for Taco Tuesday that there are some left over until Wednesday!

What I kind of love less about that is if he eats too many of the tacos and then says, "Ugh. Why did I eat so many tacos?" Because obviously I don't want him to be all uncomfortable from stuffing himself full of too many tacos.

But even though I do feel a little bad about him feeling bad from taco-verload, I do still usually say, "Because it's Tuesday!"

My 413th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Okay, so the 113th thing I love about my boyfriend is when he gets amazed by our girlfriend Sasha. Like ... you know the kind of amazed I mean. Maybe I shouldn't talk about how much I love Sasha in a post about one of the things I love about my boyfriend. But I do love her, like, a super-crazy amount.

And she's SO good at being amazing. So I basically wig out with megajoy whenever I hear him getting clobbered with her amazingness.

I mean, probably I'm pretty close to that kind of amazing too. But, you know, when I'm doing that stuff with him, there's some pretty distracting side-effects that make it harder to notice exactly how amazed he is. Definitely amazed, but is he Sasha-level amazed? Sometimes I start trying to pay attention and see, but so far I've never had the willpower to not just give in and melt and let things get all blurry with how amazing he is.

There are a whackadoo number of reasons I'm glad we have a Sasha around here, but the way she can make him sound like that is absolutively way high up on the list of those reasons.

Because it makes me proud to have a girlfriend who's so amazing, and even more wonderful to have a boyfriend who always wants to let his girlfriends know how perfect they are.

Plus, you know, it's SUPER hot.

Sooooo hot!!!

My 412th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!!!

It's my anniversary!!!!!!!

Some people would think I didn't get much of an anniversary present, just me and my boyfriend holding each other and cuddling and talking for maybe an hour-ish. I thought it was about the best present I could possibly get, except obviously then taken like a couple hours-long nap together with more cuddling afterwards.

The 112th thing I love about my boyfriend is, he's an amazing cuddler.

My 411th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Have I ever got some info for you! (That's a 411 joke -- get it?)

The 111th thing I love about my boyfriend is, he knows a lot of random stuff. Like, I told him the cool number 111 was coming up in my list and he said that in the old days of hand-scoring bowling, if you got to 111 in a frame you always drew a little house over the number. I was like, "Wow! How do you know such a random thing about something from that long ago?" And he said, "It wasn't that long ago!" Which, you know, that's something he sometimes says as sort of code for "Don't ask me exactly how long ago it was," so I said, "Okay," but I guess he really needed to make the point and he said, "It wasn't. Go ask Claire or Hettie or someone else who knows more about bowling than just playing Wii Sports, if you don't believe me."

I think you'll be very proud of me, Journal, because I was super sensitive about his feelings and did not ask, "What's Wii Sports?"

My 410th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 110th thing I love about my boyfriend is, he takes very good care of his teeth. Like, brushes after meals and then flosses too! He doesn't have teeth like you'd see in an ad for a ritzy orthodontist or anything, but he takes very good care of them because he wants them to last.

It's also good because I kind of like the taste of toothpaste when I kiss him!

My 409th Journal Entry

 Hi, Journal!

Whew! I just barely remembered I had already had a topic for today's thing!

The 109th thing I love about my boyfriend is all the cool words he knows. There's I guess a word for everything, and he pretty much knows them all.

The one he told me yesterday about yesterday was "kinesthetic." Apparently, when your fingers just remember where the keys on the keyboard are and you don't have to think about where to put them to make the words appear, it's called "kinesthetic memory."

So when he told me that, I was like, "Wow, that's a thing? And there's a word for the thing? So awesome!"

My 408th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 108th thing I love about my boyfriend is, he is an awesome typist! Like, not just that he's fast, but that there's some kind of ... I dunno, poetry in the way his hands and fingers move when he's doing it.

Hands are pretty neat to start with, right? I like how expressive they are! And his are extra that way. When he's typing, you can totally see that it's not a mental process, it's just his brain doing one thing and his hands taking that thing and spitting it right out into the computer through the keyboard without any thought about, "Now where's that 'c' key? And which finger do I use to make a question mark? Does it need the shift key held while you're doing it?"

I'm going to save for tomorrow the word he told me for how hands do that kinda thing. Because super-cool words for cool things are another thing I love about him, so I'm all set for number 109!

My 407th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 107th thing I love about my boyfriend is, he is a total klutz about mechanical things and anytime he needs to do something with wrenches or screwdrivers or whatever you just know he's going to crunch or poke or gouge himself with something and do a lot of cursing ... but he still does it because he knows it needs to be done, and since he knows he's such a klutz he's at least really careful about doing anything with any kind of really dangerous tool. Maybe he needs to start thinking all the tools are dangerous? I don't know.

But sometimes the mechanical things are things he needs to do for his girlfriends, and there is something sweet about how he's always willing to do them even if it's going to get him a scrape or a blood-blister or something.

My 406th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

The 106th thing I love about my boyfriend (and I hate to say this) is that he'll totally let me off the hook if I bomb out on this list and don't get all the way to 350. I mean, it's going pretty good so far, but whoosh, harder and harder to think of new things every day!

I'm not quitting ... but I love that if I do quit at some point, he'll be all like, "I'm amazed you got that far. I thought you did a great job, and I love every entry in the list!"