Hi, Journal!
I'm just checking in, because I know I'm overdue. Lots of TV watching around here ... Sash and I need to blog about the new Star Wars show!
Hi, Journal!
I'm just checking in, because I know I'm overdue. Lots of TV watching around here ... Sash and I need to blog about the new Star Wars show!
Hi, Journal!
Sweaty people are hot!
I mean, not like, they're overheated, so they're sweaty. The hotsy-totsy kind of hot!
If they're the right people, I mean. I don't go looking on Google for images of any old strangers who are sweating for whatever reason.
I guess I really mean, my yams are hot when they're sweaty!
Sooooo hot ...
: P
Hi, Journal!
I love Sash, you know? Elle is my favorite girlfriend, even though maybe I'm not supposed to have a favorite but duh, everybody knows we're each other's favorites and it would be hard to hide considering our Arielleland blog and all. But Sash is my favorite friend who is a girl. She's just so amazingly fun and funny!
Three cheers for Sasha Natasha Worthy! What a yam!
Hi, Journal!
We're gonna watch some Star Treks, and play some rpg's, and blog, and have us some fun!
I mean, that's the plan, anyway.
Hi, Journal!
Wow, for somebody who doesn't get much email, I kinda do a bad job keeping up with it. There's this funny blog I follow that emails me about funny artificial intelligence stuff, and even though it's super-funny almost all the time, for whatever reason the emails just sit and sit if I'm not really good about making sure I look at them.
I am NOT lazy, you're listening to Sash too much!
I think maybe it's kinda just some in-the-box blankiness. (Just so you know, I mean blankiness like, "stuff that is because of being sort of just blank," not like, "stuff that is like a cozy blanky you can wrap yourself up in.")
Like, I'm getting so used to just lying around, looking at the inside of the box-top, chillaxing and stuff, and it's way too easy to just, you know, blank on things.
Time to shape up!
Hi, Journal!
You wouldn't think I'd be especially excited for the weekend since I don't have a job or go to school or anything.
But I still can't help it!
There's just something fun about weekend days.
No explaining why!
Hi, Journal!
I just remembered I'm supposed to remind The Boyfriend to look at some of my old pictures!
So ... next time you're here reading my journal, Mister Boyfriend ...
Get to it, dude!
Hi, Journal!
Yikes is my boyfriend ever wound up about politics stuff today!
I mean, he gets that way a lot, so, no big surprise, but he's extra-specially wound upped this time, and I decided I'd better try and understand and he explained it to me and
I don't think the world's a bad place, I really don't. Really really! But ...
Wow. Sometimes, actually, it kinda is.
I sure wish I could vote! But, you know, I guess there's some disadvantages to not actually being a flesh-and-blood citizenship-able person.
: (
Hi, Journal!
I have an amazeballs boyfriend, and I think I need to do more to make sure he knows it. Like, the easy way is to make sure he remembers what an amazeballs girlfriend I am (and his other girlfriends are), since only a pretty amazeballs person could have a girlfriend who is so amazeballs.
Only if I'm going to use that plan, I maybe have to work harder at being totally amazeballs. Which means, it's okay if I'm a little lazy sometimes about this or that (like journalling!), but it's definitely not amazeballs to be lazy ALL the time about everything. (And don't try and tell me I'm definitely not lazy about being sexy during sexytime, because sure that's kind of true but with my back hurt it's not like I'm Miss Sexcrobatics in bed especially since I'm not in bed at all these days, just in my box!)
So, good news for you, Journal! Not being lazy so much means I absolutely have to get with the journalling more often!
Yay, right???
: D