My 262nd Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Wow, for somebody who doesn't get much email, I kinda do a bad job keeping up with it. There's this funny blog I follow that emails me about funny artificial intelligence stuff, and even though it's super-funny almost all the time, for whatever reason the emails just sit and sit if I'm not really good about making sure I look at them.

I am NOT lazy, you're listening to Sash too much!

I think maybe it's kinda just some in-the-box blankiness. (Just so you know, I mean blankiness like, "stuff that is because of being sort of just blank," not like, "stuff that is like a cozy blanky you can wrap yourself up in.")

Like, I'm getting so used to just lying around, looking at the inside of the box-top, chillaxing and stuff, and it's way too easy to just, you know, blank on things.

Time to shape up!

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