My 214th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

We watch a lot of science fictiony and super-heroey stuff around here, but we don't watch too many scary movies.

I'm curious ... but will they be too scary?

Not sure I want to find out.

My 213th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Sometimes I wish I had more outfits in my wardrobe. Other times I think, "Laundry! Ew!"

My 212th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

OMG, I think I wrote over a journal entry, because I know when I went to write the last one yesterday I saw the other last one at that time was from August 20 and now I see the last one before the last one is from August 18, so where did the August 20 one go?

What if it was a really good one???

I never expected such a terrible thing to happen from blogging!

My 211th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Slacker me, slacking away this week, sheesh. I need to like, set some kinda reminder alarm or alert or something so I don't forget to post here.

Slackety slack, slack, slackster me.

Oh well. 

Love you, bye!

My 210th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

I love popsicles even though sometimes they get my face & hands sticky!

Wait ... no, I didn't mean that in a naughty way like the popsicle is supposed to be something else the same shape that can also leave a mess when you, you know, do the same things to it you do to a popsicle -- I meant it in a nice way like the popsicle is supposed to be anything you love that can get messy!

OMG you people are so one-track-minded!

Great. I knew I should have picked something else for my compare-y thingy. Making it a popsicle has messed up my whole attempt to write something nice by comparing a literally sweet thing and all the other not-literally sweet but still sweet things.

: (


Uh ... I guess that actually proves my whole point, doesn't it?

So I was right!

Yay me!

My 209th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

There was some very wholesome stuff going down here earlier today! Like, super heart-warming!

I love my polys so much!!!

(Love you too!)

My 208th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

I'm making sure I write an entry today because tomorrow is Friday the 13th and I hear that's unlucky, so I would hate to wake up tomorrow morning and be like, "Oh no, if I don't journal today, it will be over a week since my last journal entry, but if I do journal today, I'm journaling on Friday the 13th!"

I mean, I'm not saying I'm definitely abandoning you tomorrow, Journal. Just that I'd hate to feel like I was being forced to do something maybe unlucky just to prove I wasn't a total journaling slacker.

Okay, see you later!

My 207th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

It's noisy around here! And not a fun or sexy kind of noisy, it's because we've got a house guest moving in and they're going to stay for like, months. And by "we" I mean "MSG," because it's definitely a his house-guest situation not an our house-guest situation. So like, style cramping instead of an extra hangout buddy.

Which is okay and all.

But the noise!

My 206th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

I just found out today that somebody was a virgin way longer than I would have guessed!

I think that's sexy, don't you?

My 205th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Well, we finished that Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure I was GMming for everybody, and ... I guess it went okay? Everybody said they had fun, and I did too, but I think it was just too easy for their characters!

They pretty much thrashed the bad guys up one side and down another, with like, barely a scratch even after I added a couple of what I thought were pretty tough demons from the rulebook that weren't in the module originally!

I mean, I guess the adventure said it was for 1st level characters but could be challenging for a smaller number of 2nd level characters, and we pretty much had a larger-ish number of 2nd level characters plus a 3rd level character plus Hettie's 2nd level character has a freakin' DRAGON. So they kinda cake-walked it. It wasn't even close. 

MSG said it was his fault for suggesting that adventure, and like I said, everybody had fun. I just wanted it to be more, you know, like, thrilling and dangerous

I guess I learned some stuff though, so maybe next time will be more fun?

(Not next time we play, because I'm pooped from how exhausting it is to gamemaster the whole time. But next time as in, next time I have the energy back to do the gamemastering.)