My 616th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Oh boy, I can't believe Claire just said this to me, she said she thinks I'm inspiring!

I kinda sorta wanted to say something like, "Are you pranking me? Is this a prank?" But ...

Holy moley, Journal, I believed her! Me! Inspiring! It's not like Claire never jokes around and says silly stuff or anything, but she wouldn't joke about something like that. And also, you can usually tell when Claire is joking. She's not very good at being a trickster. Unless I guess you count keeping a straight face while she's setting up a big pun.

Anyway, the thing is, Journal, when she said it, I felt like something inside me raised its hand and said, "Yoo-hoo! I'm the part she's talking about!" Like ...

I understood there was this thing in me that could be inspiring to people, and not just because I might do something super-cool and awesome, but because there's something about the way I am that's ... well ... WONDERFUL! And I'm not even going to ask if that sounds stuck-up, Journal, because you know, people who decide they're going to do it can just be wonderful.

It's true! Maybe somebody can't be a mountain climber, or a brain surgeon, or even class president their senior year of high school. But everybody can be wonderful just by deciding to be that way.

Because it's not that hard to be kind and sweet and happy to see other people being happy.

You've just got to make a habit of it! And remember how great it feels when you smile at somebody and it makes them smile back!

So now I'm going to hand the computer back to Claire and maybe this post will inspire her to write a post of her own! (That will probably be ten times bester than this one!)

Love you, Journal!


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