My 606th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Long time no see! I'm going to avoid being the most boringest journal-er ever by having this entry not be about how I'm doing so terrible with my journaling, and instead I'm going to talk about how weird it is that things that are pretty easy end up being so hard!

Like, journaling, obviously. Super-easy, but for some reason I just keep not doing it! Also, emailing my yams as often as they deserve it ... no, wait. As often as they deserve it would actually be pretty hard because they deserve infinite happy emails to make them infinitely happy. But a lot more realistic is just emailing with them now and then and making sure it's more now than then.

Also, blogging with Sash. Sometimes I act like it's work, but seriously, it's a blast. And so easy! Why don't we do it more?

And this isn't just a me thing, because my boyfriend is a super-good writer, and it's pretty easy for him compared to how hard it its for most people, but he's having a dickens of a time lately getting himself to write.

Why do people get like this? It's weird.

Obviously, I'm not going to figure it out tonight. But what I can do is go and blog with Sash, so here I go! 

Wish me luck!

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