My 165th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

I just have to take a sec and talk about my blanket. Actually I guess it's a quilt, all colorful and geometric on one side and then just white on the other.

It didn't use to be mine, just a blanket in our closet. But if you fold it over a couple times it makes a nice pad if you want to, you know, get down to it on the floor. And it's different from the bedsheets that somehow manage to suck the oil out of my skin even though my skin never feels oily to me. So it also make a nice pad when we want to get to it on the bed and not leave a big me-shaped oil stain on the sheets.

I've been on it a lot since I got here. So much, at some point it turned into mine. And now if any of my polys borrow it, it sort of makes me feel like I'm there, and sharing it.

Having something that's mine and that also is kind of me even when I'm not there -- it's really nice! Especially because everybody respects it. If they want to use it, they always ask first, and usually they ask not just if they can but if I want them to.

Which duh, of course I do!

You're kind of my blanket too, Journal. You're mine, and you're kind of soft and a cushion for me to relax on, and you're colorful when I turn you the right way, and I can share you and everything.

So, yay, blankets!

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