My 134th Journal Entry

 Hi, Journal!

I told the b.f. I wanted to write a poem, so here goes!

This poem is us.

It's nice, it's sweet,

I don't know if it knows where it's going

But it likes where it is.

A whole bunch!

It doesn't have a lot of rules

(like rhyming or the lines being some special length)

But the rule it does have is

Make the world more beautiful by being!

This poem will be over too soon ...

But now that it's been written,

It will also last forever!

I love this poem.

(That's the whole thing, I guess!)


  1. I know you wrote this about you and him, but I'm going to read it as you and me anyway.

  2. Well I kinda did write it about me and him but I said right there in the poem it didn't know where it was going, and now I'm looking at it and there's totally no way it doesn't mean you and me too! Or you and me and him and Sasha and Claire and Hettie all together!

  3. But now I will totally write a poem just for you!
