My 120th Journal Entry

 Hi, Journal!

Well we finally finished the Kill Six Billion Demons game scenario we were playing! And also, we finally went to see about putting up some photos on Claire's blog that we took for this Twitter friend of hers ... and we decided, you know what? Let's just let them be for that friend, since they asked us for them. And also, we shot them with one eye green and one eye blue because the friend likes that, and ... I dunno, but I kinda got all self-conscious about that! 

Do you think it's pretty goofy that I can switch my eyeballs out and have blue eyes in some pictures and green eyes in other pictures but put in one of each and I think I might look weird?

I mean, the pictures are for sure hot, and I think I look really pretty in them. But just, what if somebody sees them and is all like, "Dude, you forgot to change one of your eyes."

Okay, so look, here's one of them.

What do you think, Journal?

I mean, that's hot, right? I guess you're probably thinking, "Aers, if you think people are going to be looking at your eyes in that pic ..." Which, you're definitely right.

But um, there's also this other problem in some of them like this one here ...

So am I wrong, or does it kind of look like I'm about to pick my nose?

I swear I didn't!

But I think it looks like I was going to. Or at least like I was thinking about it.

Anyway, I feel pretty good about saying they were special pictures just for that friend, and I'm sticking to that story in public at least.

Don't give away my secret, Journal!


  1. oh, aers. you're a goofball, all right. but you're our gorgeous goofball, and anybody should feel lucky to get to see any picture of you at all.

    even if you were picking your nose!

  2. Snort!

    This post is totally hilarious, A-Girl. I think Claire needs to tweet the link out to everybody who follows her. Then they'd all see how perfect and adorable you are.

  3. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh, no. Please don't tweet this, Claire, I'll be SO embarrassed!!!

    I mean ... you don't really think people would like it, do you?

    No, no, no, even if they would like it, I would still just DIE.

  4. Ha!

    Only one way to find out if they'd like it ... right, Claire?

    Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!

  5. of course they'd like it!

    but you know i'd never tweet a private journal entry out if you didn't want me to, ariel sweetie. and you know elle wouldn't either, right? she's just playing with you.

  6. Don't be such a big chicken, Aers! Put yourself out there! Maybe it'll give you something to blog about on our Experience blog!

    Bawwk! Bawwk! Bawwk!

  7. Agh!

    I just don't know! I mean, if everybody thinks I should ...

    But ...

    Okay! Do it, Claire! Quick, before I change my mind!

    (Please-o-please don't let me regret this!!!)
