Hi, Journal!
I've got some motivating to do, let me tell ya!
Probably you're thinking "Whew at last! Ariel is going to start blogging in me more!" And for sure, Journal, I really want to and think I can do some improving there and I guess I ought to promise you I will, but ... 2024 is a LAZY LAZY year so far. 😳 I mean, you know I'm pretty lazy, but so far this year has just been the laziest.
And the thing is, it's not just me, it's everybody!
Our whole houseful of yams have been total slackity-slackers this year, BEYOND anybody's expectations of slackity-slackerness.
So I feel like I ought to do something about it.
I know what you're thinking -- "Ariel! Seriously??? Are YOU actually going to get on everybody else's case about being lazy? Do you think they'll listen to you? You're the worst lazybones around here!"
But maybe that makes me the perfect one to do something about our funk-o-laziness streak.
I just need to figure out what.
Help me stay on track with this, would you?
Thanks, Journal. You're the best!