My 271st Journal Entry

Hi Again, Journal!

OMG, I'm a terrible blogger this year. I just read the post before the post before this one, and the post before this one was pretty much totally half repeat stuff from the one before it.


I'm not even to 30 entries for the year! Nowhere close to an entry a day or a couple entries a week ... barely an entry a week!

I promise, Journal, I'm going to do better!

My 270th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

I'm totally leading the party in our new D&D(ish) campaign! (Sash is calling it D&D even though it's kinda not, cause the company putting it out calls it OSE because it's the old D&D rules redone under this "open gaming license" jobbermajig. So since she's calling it that I figure I better call it that too to stay on her good side!)

I'm an elf, called "Tanquara the Just." Which I wish was me being clever and setting up everybody else to say, when she introduces her, "Just what?" But I didn't think of that until after I was putting it down on my character sheet, and I guess it's probably good I wasn't being clever that way, because nobody has said, "Just what?" so far, which means I would have been disappointed.

I did awesome rolling up Tanquara, good dexterity, good constitution, really smart, and mostly no minuses from her ability scores, except charisma, which, who cares? So her armor class rules compared to everybody else, and her hit points are pretty decent, which means she's been up front a lot, and being up front, I figured she ought to be helping make decisions, and boy, I'm really role-playing well, because she's a bunch more decisive than me.

Anyhow, I love gaming!


My 269th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Wheee! We made up new characters for a Dungeons and Dragons game! Sash is going to do the Dungeon Mastering! (Dungeoning Mastery?)


I rolled the very best!

Everybody else was like, Strength 11, Dexterity 8, Constitution 8, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 12, Charisma 9, and I was like, Pow! 9! Pow! 13! Kablammo! 13! Whoa! 15! Hot Damn! 15 AGAIN! and then Eh, 7.

So now I'm an elf with the very best armor class and the second best hit points and sure, I'm not so great in the Charisma department, but Elle was very sweet and whispered in my ear that it would be a roleplay challenge for me because in real life I've got Charisma coming out my ass.

I can't wait to play!