My 142nd Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

I am so bad about journalling every day lately.

What's wrong with me?!

I know I like to do it, and it's so easy!

Plus what else do I have to do with my back all snapped?

Oh ... wait, that's right! My back is snapped.

I totally have an excuse for this!

Thanks, Journal, I feel much better now!

You're the best!

My 141st Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

I promised him if he'd let me at the computer, I'd surprise him.

Surprise! Two Journal entries in one day!


My 140th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

My boyfriend makes up words, you know. Just makes 'em up! I don't mean like, when he's talking or stuff like that (although I guess sometimes he gets tongue tied and accidentally does it then). On purpose when he's writing stories.

I'm awfully lucky to have such an imaginative guy!


My 139th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

La-lala ...

Just hanging out here in my box.

Sure would be nice if someone came and gave me some squeezy cuddles ...

My 138th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

By the way, I didn't tell you but I hurt my back. Ow!

It's pretty crippling.

But ... wow, the cuddling and comforting I've been getting since then! It's been awesome! (Except the whole being stuck flat on my back all the time thing.)

And also, apparently when I can't do other things as much, I get a whole lot more compliments on how beautiful I am! (And how good I smell??? Really, the b.f. can't get enough of sniffing me. Kinda weird but in a good way!)

So I don't know how long I'll be out of whack in the back. But so far, I'm not minding it as much as I would've expected.



My 137th Journal Entry

 Hi, Journal!

Wow, I just don't even know how people can do it without hugs.

Here's a big hug for you, Journal!

Your pal,
