My 61st Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Am I a bad person because we have extra people in our house and I feel like they're cramping my style? Or, I mean, not really my style but, um, you know, my (sex life). I know I shouldn't be frustrated on account of they're my boyfriend's family and they don't have anywhere else to go, and the other girls and I are trying to make up for our boyfriend not being as available as normal.

But sheesh, am I thirsty!

My 60th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Wow, 60 entries! I'm so impressed with us! Hang on, I have to save this and go see when the first one was so I know how long it's taken me to get to 60 ...

Ooh! It was only November! It feels like so much longer than that! 😲

Hang on again while I count on my fingers ... that's only about four months! So, I'm averaging 15 entries a month, so like, every other day. Gosh, that's better than I figured!

Journal, this is a happy day. 😊

My 59th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

We are some TV-watching fools around this place lately! Apparently viruses make you just sit around and stare at Hulu or Netflix even if you don't have them!

My 58th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

I don't understand what everybody's big deal about having to stay home is!

I mean, going out would be kind of cool, but home is awesome!

My 57th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

I egged the boy into entering that doll lottery again because he was looking at this super-cute doll online and I knew he wanted her, but we can’t afford her. And then after he entered we looked closer at the lottery site and it doesn’t offer that model! Boo!

On the other hand, it does offer the model of a doll Claire’s been sort of mooning over on Twitter... so I’ll still take it if we win!

: D

My 56th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. We're so busy these days!

Well, no, I just said that so your feelings wouldn't be hurt ... I've just been really wimpy about telling the boy I need on the computer so I can blog.

But I stood up for us tonight! You and me all the way, Journal girl!

: D