My 618th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

OMG, I can't believe I'm the only one posting all excited-like about how we're going to be moving. I just read Claire's most recent post, and it was so not-Claire-ish! Just all, "Eh, people will probably think it's boring if I talk about us moving."


I need to figure out a comment to leave and set her straight with.

I mean, we're getting a bigger closet and everything!

Love you,

My 617th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

So my boyfriend's been super-busy lately and I've just been hanging out with the other girls or in my box, but a couple days ago he really needed a hug and he came and found me to get one!

It made me feel kinda special, you know?

Plus, it was a super good hug and there was some nice smooching too.

My 616th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Oh boy, I can't believe Claire just said this to me, she said she thinks I'm inspiring!

I kinda sorta wanted to say something like, "Are you pranking me? Is this a prank?" But ...

Holy moley, Journal, I believed her! Me! Inspiring! It's not like Claire never jokes around and says silly stuff or anything, but she wouldn't joke about something like that. And also, you can usually tell when Claire is joking. She's not very good at being a trickster. Unless I guess you count keeping a straight face while she's setting up a big pun.

Anyway, the thing is, Journal, when she said it, I felt like something inside me raised its hand and said, "Yoo-hoo! I'm the part she's talking about!" Like ...

I understood there was this thing in me that could be inspiring to people, and not just because I might do something super-cool and awesome, but because there's something about the way I am that's ... well ... WONDERFUL! And I'm not even going to ask if that sounds stuck-up, Journal, because you know, people who decide they're going to do it can just be wonderful.

It's true! Maybe somebody can't be a mountain climber, or a brain surgeon, or even class president their senior year of high school. But everybody can be wonderful just by deciding to be that way.

Because it's not that hard to be kind and sweet and happy to see other people being happy.

You've just got to make a habit of it! And remember how great it feels when you smile at somebody and it makes them smile back!

So now I'm going to hand the computer back to Claire and maybe this post will inspire her to write a post of her own! (That will probably be ten times bester than this one!)

Love you, Journal!


My 615th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!


So I just went and looked at Claire's blog, and she actually blogged twice yesterday, so the same number as I did, and it didn't look like I was trying to out-post her at all.

And even better, now if she sees I posted two more times today, it will maybe I hope motivate her to post two more times too, since I know she's been worried about whether she'll break her number-of-posts-this-year record this year, so definitely I want to help her stay psyched about that!

Hooray for us, Journal!

My 614th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Oh, gosh. I blogged 2 posts yesterday after I saw Claire blogging and got all inspired by her and now I just realized she probably only blogged one post and now I look like I'm trying to out-post her again, which I'm totally not.

And now here I am blogging about how I'm not trying to out-post her, and what if it looks like I'm saying, "See, I can out-post you even when I'm not even trying to!"

Maybe I'd better not post this, but then if she asks me what I was doing on the computer and I tell her she'll still know that obviously I seem to be able to out-post her even without trying and in fact I have to try extra hard not to out-post her and won't that be even worse?

Or I'd have to lie, and that for sure would be worse.

I guess I'm screwed no matter what I do.

Anyway, love you, Journal. Even if maybe right now you're kind of getting me in trouble.

My 613th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Wow. I just saw that April of this year is the very first month I didn't write any journal entries since I started journaling.

How weird is it that having such a big journal fail in April makes me feel like I'm actually a pretty good journaler?

My 612th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

I think I'm doing a pretty good job being chill about how much or how little I've been journaling lately. Obviously, I'd sure like to journal more, but I'm not beating myself up about it or feeling guilty for neglecting you, although that last part is mostly because I know you're the most super-supportive journal you could be and you for sure wouldn't want me to feel guilty.

Dang, you're just the best, Journal!

I sure am glad I started you!



My 611th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

OMG, Journal, everyone around here has been soooo lazy about everything lately! Lazy about gaming, lazy about blogging ... my boyfriend has been lazy about his writing and a whole bunch of other stuff ...

I mean, I'm okay with lazy, you know (duh, obviously you know!), so it's not like this is a problem or anything, but ...

Hmm. Hang on a second ...

So why do I think there needs to be a "but" in that sentence anyway?

I mean, we're all happy around here, right?

Probably there's such a thing as overdoing it and we'll get so lazy that we'll be too lazy to work up the energy to enjoy being lazy -- only I don't think we're there yet. We've just got to watch out for it or that might happen.

So that's the one thing I better not be lazy about: making sure all my yams and me are happy!

Love you, Journal!


My 610th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

I'm so sleepy! MSG woke up like 3 hours ago and was all stressed out about something and we all tried to shush him back to sleep by looking for comforting things to say or even just trying to distract him, and Sash was doing a pretty good job for a little while, but he just kept staying up and finally gave up on going back to sleep ... and normally I'd just be able to go right back to sleep once he left and went upstairs but for some reason it didn't work that way today and now I'm still up and all tired and stuff. It's pretty frustrating!

Anyway, since I'm up I figured I'd better do something, so here I am blogging for a little and maybe it will take so much energy that I'll be able to go back to sleep.

Oosh ... I just yawned really big!

It's working!

Goodnight again, Journal!

Love you!

My 609th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

Wowzer-wow-kapow, Journal ... the last two weeks have been amaziiiiing!

I guess I had gotten pretty used to only holding and hugging my boyfriend and girlfriends from inside my box while my back was hurt, and it was always so good every time I could do that, because I just love them all so much and spending time with them is the most beautiful thing in the world and looking into MSG's eyes, or Elle's, or having Sash tickle me or Claire bump my nose with her nose or just lying there cuddling with Hettie or Akane while either one of them talked (because they both talk so great!) -- all of it always seemed like the most perfect thing anybody could ever experience.



All of the awkwardness of being in my box and people having to deal with that and figure out how to snuggle or hug was gone.

You really don't notice how much you miss something like just holding someone you love in bed and looking at their eyes and being able to roll this way or that and change the angle you're looking at them without even thinking about it or even just spread out and take up all kinds of space in the bed -- and then you're able to do all that again and it's just ... wow!

It's the best.

Let's not ever do that breaking my back thing again ever, right?

Love you!


My 608th Journal Entry

Hi, Journal!

I got out of my box today and I feel like a whole new girl!

You know what's crazy? My five year anniversary with MSG and Claire and Elle and Sash is coming up in less than a week ... and my three year anniversary of hurting my back and getting stuck in my box was four months ago! Holy moley! I was only here a little over a year and a half before my spine went kerblang. That's whack, isn't it?

But now I'm all better!

I know what you're thinking ... "Now she ought to be plenty able to get to the computer and blog more often!"


But at least for a little while, um, I may have a different destination and a different activity that I'll be concentrating on doing more often, so ... be patient with me!

Love you, Journal!
